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Privacy Policy

OrganAise privacy policy and consent form for users

OrganAise Inc. (“OrganAise”) recognizes the importance of data protection and is commited to maintaining appropriate protection of personal data and complying with applicable data protection laws and regulations. This privacy policy applies to persons that have agreed to provide information to OrganAise and test the OrganAise app (“you”) and informs you how your personal data is processed by OrganAise. If you do not consent to this privacy policy, you should not provide any information to OrganAise and not use the OrganAise app.

Personal data collected by OrganAise

  • Your Account Information: You must provide your mobile phone number and a profile name of your choice to create OrganAise account. If you don’t provide us with this information, you will not be able to create an account to use our Services. You can add other optional information to your account such as a profile picture, and email (to receive emails)
  • Your Messages, Media within Messages: We offer end-to-end encryption for our Services. End-to-end encryption means that your messages, media within messages including content like images, audio, video, documents and files are encrypted to protect against third parties (including OrganAise) from seeing that content. Typically your messages are stored on our servers. We always store your messages in encrypted form.
  • Your connections: Your contacts sync with the phone numbers in your device address book on a regular basis, including those of users of our Services and your other contacts however not all contacts are saved on our server except those you create with OrganAise. If any of your contacts aren’t yet using our Services, we’ll manage this information in a way that is designed to ensure that those contacts cannot be identified by us. We also collect information on users who contact you that aren’t in your device address book and any users you’ve blocked or who have blocked you.
  • Your Calendar Information. You can use calendar sync to import calendar information from your external calendars. Your calendar information on OrganAise is encrypted to protect against third parties (including OrganAise) from seeing that content. We store your Calendar data in encrypted form.

Automatically Collected Information

Usage Information. We collect information about your usage of our Services. This includes collecting information about your activity (including how you use our Services), how you interact with others using our Services (including when you search for and interact with a business), and the time, frequency, and duration of your activities. This also includes information about the features you use like our messaging (and integrated applications), calling, Status, communities, groups or business features; whether you are online; timestamps related to your use such as when you last used our Services (your “last seen”) and the times you send and receive calls and messages; and when you last updated your “about” information. 
Log and Troubleshooting Information. We collect information about how our Services are performing when you use them, like service related diagnostic and performance information. This information includes log files, timestamps, diagnostic or crash data, website performance logs and error messages or reports.
Device And Connection Information. We collect device and connection-specific information when you install, access, or use our Services. This includes information such as hardware model, operating system information, battery level, signal strength, app version, browser information, mobile network, connection information including whether you are using wifi or cellular data, mobile operator or internet service provider (ISP), language and time zone, IP address, device operations information and identifiers.
General Location Information. Even if you do not choose to use our precise location-related features, we use IP addresses and other information like phone number area codes, to estimate your general location (e.g., country).
Cookies. We collect information using cookies to operate and provide our web-based Services and website. 
User Choices. We collect information about your in-app settings, privacy settings and records about when you accepted our Terms. We also collect information about whether you have enabled push notifications.
Authentication Information. To verify and grant appropriate authorisations as you use the Services, we create and store authentication codes which are a security measure to ensure only you are accessing your account. Authentication Information also includes your public encryption keys that our end-to-end encryption protocol uses. Messages are encrypted before they reach our servers which means that we cannot see them.

Processing of your personal data by OrganAise

OrganAise processes personal data for the purpose of providing the OrganAise app to you for testing and evaluation and for internal business purposes, including research and analytical purposes, and the results will be used for development and improvement of OrganAise app and OrganAise’s products and services. When processing personal data for these purposes, OrganAise relies on your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. OrganAise may for purposes described above disclose your personal data to competent authorities to the
extent required by laws and regulations and may share your personal data with service providers that process personal data on our behalf. Your personal data will be stored in the EU. However, if a service provider is located in a country outside the EU/EEA, your personal data may be transferred to a country which may not have data protection laws as strict as those in the EU/EEA. In these cases, OrganAise will put in place appropriate safeguards to protect your personal data in connection with the transfer. You can any time contact us for more information on such transfers and the safeguards put in place. OrganAise retains personal data as long as it is necessary in order to provide the OrganAise app to you and to analyse the results for the purpose of developing an improving OrganAise’s app and OrganAise’s products and services. Personal data will also be retained as long as required by laws, regulations or decisions by authorities.

Your rights and questions

With limited exceptions, you have the right to request information about what personal data that OrganAise holds about you and request inaccurate information to be corrected. In some circumstances and in accordance with applicable law, you may have the right to request that all your personal data is erased or that the processing of your personal data is restricted. Furthermore, you may have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and to request that your personal data is transferred in a machine-readable format to another controller. If you have any questions regarding the processing of personal data by OrganAise, you can contact us at . If you have any complaints regarding the processing of your personal data, you may also contact the Swedish Data Protection Authority. By clicking in the box, I certify that I have read this information and consent to OrganAise’s processing of my personal data as described herein